Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Chi Town ~ Part Two

Anyone recognize this building? Anyone? Anyone?


It's the Sears Tower. Except now it's called something else since Sears had to sale out. Something like the SkyDeck. That's lame though. It use to be the tallest building in the world. That didn't last either. It will always be the Sears Tower to me.

Our view from the top.

Saturday morning, we started off with a trip to Navy Pier. It was cute, lots of little shops and lots of different places to eat. Yumm-O.

We rode the Ferris wheel. There wasn't really a choice. I don't think you've really visited Navy Pier unless you take a whirl.

The windy city from the top of the Ferris wheel. We had MUCH prettier weather on Saturday. Mother nature did a complete 180 from the day before.

Walking to our next destination, low and behold, we found a beach! Who knew? Not me! And since I had originally wanted this vacation to be at a beach, somewhere, anywhere, I actually got my wish! We took a picture to show we were there and moved on. Not much of a beach trip. =)

Onto the Hancock Tower! Fun place, visit the Signature Lounge on the 96th floor if you're in town. A great place to hang out, and ladies, even if you don't have to go, visit the powder room. Best trip to the restroom I've ever taken.

Two views from the ladies room. Nick also went to the men's room where there was NO VIEW.

Sorry fellas.

After a nap in the room to recuperate from lots of walking and too much sun, our tired footsies took us over to Millennium Park. This thing in the park reminds me of that one movie where the little boy is in the spaceship-like thing that flies him around, I think it was River Pheonix as the little boy... can't remember the title. Anyone know what I'm talking about???

Cool fountains. There were two of these, called the Crown Fountains. The faces changed and moved on the screen. Hundreds of kids were playing in the water. It was joyful to watch. I wanted to join them sooooooooooooo badly. It was sweltering. One day I'll have kids and use them as an excuse to do lots of things not appropriate for my age. This would be one of those things.

Saturday night, we got dressed up, had a great meal, and took the Rolls Royce to see Jersey Boys at The Bank of America Theatre.

Okay, we actually walked and took a picture of the Rolls Royce. I'm sure you already had that figured out.

If you ever have the chance to see Jersey Boys, do it. It was phenomenal. It's sort of a musical biography about Frankie Vally and The Four Seasons. So fun, such good writing, great sets, awesome voices on these guys; even Nick enjoyed it! I'd see it again in a heartbeat.

Okay, end of the Chi Town review. Wish you could have went with us. Maybe next time.

Much love!


  1. I have been in that ladies room on the 96th floor at night while they were shooting fireworks off at Navy Pier. It is really cool. The only ladies room you can see a line that is not for the restroom, but to get a view out the window.

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful trip!!
    You are too cute! Great pics!!

  3. This makes me want to go even more!! Looks like too much fun. And...you have a great camera! Those pictures are awesome.

  4. you crack me up!!! i love that you said Bueller!!!

    GREAT city --- that's my hubby's town. We spent a full summer there once - and navy pier was glorious!!! i'm a sucker for a big beautiful ferris wheel!

  5. The movie that alludes you is the flight of the Navigator.

  6. that's not the sears tower... that's the brand new trump tower! the sears tower is close to there though :)

  7. Pics look wonderful!! Some of them are wall-art-worthy and would look in in B&W, white matt and blk frame! LOVED the overview of the city shot (think it was the third pic?)

    Thanx 4 stopping by FOCAL POINT
    and telling me about your blog...

    Keep enJOYing the bliss!
    :D Lynda

  8. Great recap! I love seeing how visitors see my town. :o)

    @Legally Fabulous. that is the Sears tower which is now called The Willis Tower. The Trump tower is more curvy.


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)