Monday, May 11, 2009

An Unexpected Mother

I won't lie, I was kinda freaked out when I got out of the shower on Sunday morning and found an envelope on the vanity that said "Happy Mother's Day!" on it. Obviously, someone had snuck in and placed it there for ME while I was showering (and when we're speaking of sneaking in while I'm showering, I assumed it was my husband; I hoped it was my husband).

But what did he know that I didn't? It doesn't work that way, right? Was Nick expecting? :)

Nope. I should have known. It was a card from my fur-child, Hendrix. His daddy helped him with it. How creatively cute!

Of course, there use to be a baby's face popping out from the baby's body, but Nick and my mother-in-law so creatively placed Hendrix's photo there... and stamped his REAL paws as his "signature" at the bottom!!!!!!

LAUGH OUT LOUD to say the least. They added little dog bones and other cut-outs around the card and Nick added a sweet message from him and my "son".

I'm F-A-R from a mother, but how nice to know that my husband will go out of his way to let me know that I'm appreciated when that day comes. More importantly, out of his way to entertain me! A husband to laugh with was high on my list.

Thanks to Nick, Karen, and Hendrix. I loved my "first" Mother's Day!!


  1. So cute! What a thoughtful (humorous) husband you have!!

  2. My mother and aunt think dog cards are the best- never gets old.

    Cute blog!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)