Friday, May 15, 2009


Yesterday was our last day that we will ever HAVE TO BE IN CLASS again. Our pharmacy school threw us a luau party last night as a send off!

I have so many emotions running through me, as well as 1000 other things on the to-do list in my head, that it really is hard for me to put into words how I'm feeling right now... excitement to be graduating and working, sad to say goodbye to my friends who will re-disperse across the country for their own jobs, and gratitude towards my family and my Lord and Savior, for helping cross the rocky waters that has been the last few years of my life in school.

Much more later on all of those thoughts as well as pictures from graduation TOMORROW(!!!), but for now, enjoy a few pics from last night's luau. I was soaking up every deliriously happy moment with these kids I love and never wanted the night to end. We have made some great memories in 3 short years!

Amanda, Anita, and myself

Me, Will, and Hoang
Amanda, Adam and Tami boogyin' it up!

From top left, clockwise: Kim, Me, Anita, and Tami

My FAVORITE group of girls!
{Minus Kalina, who had to sing with her praise and worship team last night - we missed you, honey!}

Tami, Amanda, Anita, Me, Amber and Tabitha

I hope every girl has friends like these! They certainly make getting through life (and school) much easier and muchmuchmuchmuch more fun!

I'm off to graduate and become a grown-up in the work
force tomorrow! Wish me luck in not tripping on stage to get my diploma!


  1. Soooo amazing!!!

    Congrats on finishing up and your friends look like they were pretty stoked about the whole thing too. Love the dancing!!!! ;)

  2. Congrats on graduation! We love you and are so proud of you!
    Much Love,
    Chad and Lauren

  3. You two are sooo cute!!!

    Cute blog you have a New Reader!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)