Thursday, May 28, 2009

Kicks and Giggles

Here we are again...

I thought I wouldn't be participating in Kelly's house party this week since it was all about nurseries/children's rooms and, as of right now, I don't have either of those in our Roberts' love nest. BUT I do have a designated room for one of those AND I do have thoughts, ideas, dreams, creative hairs about such a room. So why not put it into words, organize my ideas, and use other people's images to let you in on the dream.

Wouldn't ya think that perhaps my husband, the future child in question's father, would also like to see what the room, that he may be doing 2 am feedings in, may look like? You'll be getting the first glimpse right along side of him... which I'm sure will come as quite a surprise to him when he meanders on over to read the blog today. In the future, I'll be asking his opinion on the design, but for right now, it's all for kicks and giggles and the sky's the limit!

So let's do it!

First off, let me introduce you to the room that a little bundle of joy {or two, or three...or shoot me} will be residing in, if the "drop off" occured while we are still in this little house. The pictures are the photos the sellers took of this room, so this is their furniture. We have since converted the room into an office, which wasn't much to take a picture of yet, so I haven't - - but you get the idea. If a little one comes along, the office will be moved, easily, next door to a smaller guest bedroom.

The prospective nursery:

I think the room comes off a bit smaller looking in pictures as it is actually a fairly spacious room. Maybe they had oversized furniture?

Onto my stolen images.

#1 hope for the nursery: a mural! I'm thinking something natural, peaceful, soft colors, classic design. I love clouds, extending onto the ceiling with a little picket fence at the base of the wall, a tree, and a few animal friends. {Maybe an animation of our first fur-child, Hendrix?} Can I do all this myself? Not sure; I've never tried. If I can't, I call in some artistic friends and family. But know this: it will happen =)

Not so much on the mural in this one, but check out the real picket fence applied to the wall. Very cool.

These clouds are a dream... and a beautiful approach to a unique ceiling. I love the birds hanging above the crib!!

The mural goes either way, boy or girl. So that's great, decision made regardless of ultrasound results. Lovely. I tend to steer towards blue anyway. The pink craze I went through in high school totally ruined the color for me.

The sweetest little blue room I've ever seen:

I'm really hoping we can find room for a chandelier as well... just a small one. A baby chandelier, if you will. =)=)=) Anyone know if a ceiling fan is ever used with a baby? If not, it's out and the chandelier is in!

You can barely see it here, but a simple, cute wall + fancy schmancy lighting = a great combo.

A perfect world:

What is it about a precious pastel nursery that makes a woman feel weak in the knees?

Last but not least, a white nursery. Almost an oxymoron. But they are GORGEOUS, gender neutral, and completely impossible. Maybe I could have the first baby ever who didn't spit-up and was born completely potty trained... Should I plan a white nursery and cross my fingers for such a miracle child?

Glad we did this, I had fun!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Out to lunch

I'm still here, everyone else is still here, things are going great and while there are things to report, there isn't much time in the day right now. Or at least it's just not high on my priority list at the moment. I promise to snap back soon. For now, I'm working, eating, sleeping, spending time with my hubs and the pup, studying in the spare minutes in between.

I have lots of stories to tell AND pictures to share, all building up in my little head and on the camera's storage card! I will RETURN before my brain bursts. =) Check back on Thursday/Friday for another day of Kelly's House Party!

Until we meet again...
mUcH lOvE!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My fru-fru room that we're supposed to eat in but may never happen...

It's that time again over at Kelly's Korner. She has so many people linking onto this, I know y'all don't have a lot of time to click on every one and read lots of words... I know this from experience, I ONLY want the pictures too!!!

So I'll do my best to keep the words few and the pictures many. Last time I showed you my blue family room. This edition we're taking a look at dining rooms. For those of you who don't regularly stop by here, my husband and I have just recently purchased and moved into a new home. The formal dining room is nowhere near finished yet, but with a few pictures and a little imagination, I think you'll see where we're going with the room:

To begin, the first couple of pictures are the dining room with the furniture still in it from previous owners. Lovely furniture, but it isn't ours. It may give help you imagine our actual furniture in it though.

And a picture of the dining room after the sellers had moved out. Love the wall color, love the hard wood, love the light fixture, do not love the curtains, but learning to live with them for now.

And now a picture of the room still empty, but with this little jewel of a rug laid down. {Someone asked me on the family room edition where I got the rug from. Well that one AND this one both came from You can find the same ones other places, but that was the best price on them, and it was a reallyreallyreally good price at that. They are fantastic quality, seriously.}

Now this is where you're going to have to use your imagination a bit. Nick and I have inherited a table, 6 chairs, and matching china hutch from his grandfather. They have very much the size and shape as the sellers' furniture in the first pictures. BUT they needed a little TLC and my mother-in-law has graciously volunteered to paint them. The hutch and chairs will all be black, and the table will be mostly black with a cherry stained table top, which we will also be buying a piece of glass to put atop.

Something like this:

Here's one of the chairs, sorry, no pictures of the table and hutch right now since they aren't in my possession at the moment:

I am also going to reupholster the chair cushions. I haven't figured out what color, texture, pattern to go with yet... but if I get new drapes for the room, they'll need to tie in well. Can I go with some shimmery drapes like these? Not sure, but I like the wow factor of this room!

And as for the centerpiece(s), well that's going to have to be something big because, hey, we don't use this room and furniture much, so why not have some big snazzy fun with it?!

So here's what I need: glass - because I love glass elements, big fru-fru flowers
- because I'm trying to tie some pink and romance into this ONE room, and I want it to stretch the length of the table, not like one very big right in the center kind of a thing, maybe several different vases or something like that.

On the walls, we already have a couple cafe paintings, of which I don't have photos to show you, and these dishes will be hanging in a pretty silver plate rack we already have. My mother-in-law found these for me in an antique store and gave them to me as one of my graduation gifts.

The china hutch will also be filled with this very lovely "Hauiland-Pasadena Pattern" passed down from Nick's paternal grandmother, Violet. Lucky us! Me thinks: very fru-fru with my future fru-fru centerpiece.

And in case you were wondering where we actually feed ourselves, this is the table in our eat-in kitchen. Wow, a room that's finished... you don't see a lot of those in this house!

One day soon, I'll put up pictures of the finished rooms. Stay tuned for that!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, May 18, 2009

1st day of work

^^^ How ugly is that face?! (Don't answer that.)

Every time an Eastern Kentuckian is on television, captions are always placed at the bottom of the screen, because, ya know, we DON'T TALK RIGHT, Y'ALL. So in case you can't tell what I'm saying in my East Ky dialect combined with exhaustion and trying to be just a tad quiet for the sleeping puppy laying smack dab on top of my left arm....

It's all something about how it was our first day of work today, how I actually worked 9 hours and the puppy played outside and chased toys people threw for him and how we're really exhausted and all... I round up the video with baby talk for my fur-child and poking/proding him untill his wakes up to say good-bye to all you fine folks out there watching.

Just silly stuff, but I turned on the computer's webcam to take pictures of him asleep on my arm while I was surfing the great would wide web. Pictures turned into videos, videos turned into uploading, and the rest is history.

Laugh with me, not at me. Mmmm-kay?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Pomp and Circumstance

Yesterday was a BIG day for me! Biggest day since our wedding, {but definitely not bigger}, and unlike our wedding, this day has been years in the making. Seven years of college to be exact. {Lord help me if it had taken more than a year to plan our wedding... I would not have made it to today with my sanity intact.}

The morning began with the graduating class being forced to show up waaaaaaaaaay early. It seemed like we were waiting hours to get into that auditorium and graduate, but with the years we've been waiting up until this point, what's a few more hours???

To fill the time, we took LOTS pictures. I will have mercy on you and show only a few, though you'll notice, a few is still a lot!

My clique... and I mean that in the best way =)
Anita is missing but she finally showed up to get in the rest of the one million pictures we took later.

A group pic of all the Kentucky graduates - Go CATS!

I had to take a picture with Aaron - love the bow~tie.

We put it off as long as possible before putting on our caps and gowns. The gowns were fine... but the caps? Who can pull that off?!

Some time later, graduation finally began.

And I got "hooded"!

Then picked up my diploma.

And became Dr. Stephanie Roberts, PharmD.
{Doctor of Pharmacy for those who weren't sure.}

Took a blurry pic with my proud parents.

Attended the reception at our school and took a photo with King Michael.
{Class president, but king? I wasn't aware of this...}

Inspired by the cool musical stylings of the fun band in the background, we began a series of photo shoots with my friends, courtesy of my personal professional photographer, a.k.a. my husband.

Later that evening, we wrapped up the day's festivities with a cook-out at my parents' house. We had a great time! As much as I had looked forward to it, I was r-e-l-i-e-v-e-d to be finished with graduation and relaxing with friends and family, eating great food, winding down from an exhausting day!

By the time I thought about grabbing the camera, everyone was eating. I have their pictures for my own memories, but in order to keep those friends and family close, I won't be posting their pictures.

You're welcome.

My first day as a PharmD starts tomorrow afternoon at CVS.

I am psyched.

And ready to get a pay-check.