Monday, May 18, 2009

1st day of work

^^^ How ugly is that face?! (Don't answer that.)

Every time an Eastern Kentuckian is on television, captions are always placed at the bottom of the screen, because, ya know, we DON'T TALK RIGHT, Y'ALL. So in case you can't tell what I'm saying in my East Ky dialect combined with exhaustion and trying to be just a tad quiet for the sleeping puppy laying smack dab on top of my left arm....

It's all something about how it was our first day of work today, how I actually worked 9 hours and the puppy played outside and chased toys people threw for him and how we're really exhausted and all... I round up the video with baby talk for my fur-child and poking/proding him untill his wakes up to say good-bye to all you fine folks out there watching.

Just silly stuff, but I turned on the computer's webcam to take pictures of him asleep on my arm while I was surfing the great would wide web. Pictures turned into videos, videos turned into uploading, and the rest is history.

Laugh with me, not at me. Mmmm-kay?


  1. What a funny video...with you not at you, remember?

    I hope you love CVS and they don't make you work until 10 every night :) It must be SUCH a relief to be a grad!

    Thank you for your commment on my blog by the way. Very sweet! I know I am amazingly blessed, just a total curve ball in the life plans I guess.

    I WOULD trust Dr. Steph by the way ;)

  2. Too funny! Sorry you had a long day at work but I'm sure it was rewarding!!

  3. You are too cute! I love hearing your accent!

    And I'm jealous --- how do you post videos from youtube on here?? Mine take FOREVERRR to load.


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)