Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Stolen memories

*****UPDATE: Apparently, CHAD (Nick's bro) is the cutie pah-tootie baby in the first couple of pics. So before you reach your own conclusions, I am not in love with THAT man-child. We are a pretty twisted family, but even that crosses the line for us.*****

When I got out the camera this weekend to take pictures of the paint color and share them with the rest of ya'll, I couldn't resist taking more pictures of pictures that I admire around my in-laws' home.

Seeing how they were in Cincinnati for the Reds' opener while we had our weekend vacation at their house, they weren't around to witness my silliness; i.e. carrying around that big old camera and trying hard to focus in on the hanging pictures at just the right angle so that I didn't get a huge glare from the flash that I've yet to figure out how to turn off.

As you will see, and I hope that she doesn't mind, my MIL loves photos and displaying photos even more than I do! Her collection is vast and wonderful and her favorites of Nick have quickly become my favorites as well.

I know my love for the man-child in these pictures has swayed my opinion to be more favorable than most, but perhaps you may enjoy them too.

Baby Nick with some Texas Rangers from the '80's. Supposedly these were some really good famous baseball player people......... you get the idea, I have no idea who they are, but look at that cute kid!

That's Nick's Dad holding baby Nick and his brother, Chad, with another baseball player person.
Love the belt buckle, Bob!
{Hey, it was Texas.}
Karen's picture wall of fame. If you make it on here, you've really become something.
And mainly, I say that, because I finally made it.

Well, technically, I made it on the wall long before my face got up there.
I painted this picture for the Roberts' family the year of my very first Christmas with Nick, 2005.
It made the wall very quickly!

I love this just-married-rice-throwing image of Karen and Bob.
I think Lauren had it printed in black and white and framed for them.
Good idea, L!
Nick's senior year pic from high school.
I could laugh, and at the same time, how cute =)
While most people were still in an awkward time, look at my little Zoolander!
Did you know I married into a baseball fanatic family?
Yup. Seems I better learn a little more about that baseball player game thingy.
Check out the whole family back in their Texas livin, little kid growin, Rangers fan days.
Last but not least, the tiny little white haired boy below, is Nick. To the left are 2 twin boys, almost a foot taller and a month younger than him, who were also groomsmen in our wedding. What sweet friends. Chad is on the far right and I'm not sure who the kid is that's pushin around my man.

I'm finished with my random sharing now.

For today, anyway.

Oh, the memories.
{Stolen memories.}


  1. Aww--how cute! The "muddy" pic is my fav. too! I think they look soo adorable--
    ps-love the paint color-can't wait to see it--

  2. How cute!! I love seeing little pictures!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)