Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Shippin' out

Karen and I are heading out to my (and Nick's) home this morning. We're going to try our best to get as much painting done as possible, so that when Nick arrives on Friday evening, we can move in the new furniture without fear of a little splash of "Blue Twilight" hitting the very pale "Linen" color of the sectional.

Can you say, disaster?

{Also, 2nd disaster - the added stress on our marriage - Nick and I moving furniture together... he gets frustrated that I'm not stronger, I get frustrated that the darn furniture weighs so much, there's a whole lot of yelling and then usually someone ends up hurt. Hurt by the furniture, that is. All is back to happy when it's finished, though =) }

With that said, enjoy the above picture of my parents 'purty' red tulips. The picture below is from later that day, one unsupervised crazy poof-ball puppy dog tulip eater later. See if you can count how many flower heads are no longer with us. I can hardly believe it, but he actually ATE them, right down to the nubby stems. I caught him red handed (or is that red tuliped?) in the act.

The cable/internet guys will be making a visit to the house to set everything up on Thursday, so hopefully, if things go well, {both with the internet AND the painting}, I'll have some words and images to share by Thursday evening!


1 comment:

  1. All of your posts these days on housework are making me tired. :) I hope that you and your Mom can enjoy the painting project! Painting can be exhausting, but also fun!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)