Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Finders Keepers

This weekend, while Nick was at a baseball game, I made a little stop for myself at an antique store I had passed dozens of times, never having the time to browse. What a precious little jewel of a place! Only 5 minutes from the house, I can't wait to revisit and see what new old things they have for my viewing enjoyment.

Inside the store was a huge display cabinet full of dog figurines from the 1940's - 50's. There were literally hundreds to look through, but I took the time to hunt and look who I found:

My dogs! Casey, the mini-Collie {aka Shetland Sheepdog} on the left, and Hendrix, the designer mutt {aka pomapoo} on the right. I love these little doggies. They couldn't look more like the real girl and guy if Ihad designed them myself.

I also found a mega huge art piece that
would look straight-up fabulous behind our sofa. (See my last post for a photo of our large empty wall...)

Sorry about the picture quality. I had to resort to using my iPhone so I could show Nick and beg him to go back with me and buy the painting... that freakin' phone is the most ingenious electronic device I've ever owned, but wouldn't you think they could get a little "flash" action for the camera?!

The painting had been hanging in a restaurant in Louisville for a few decades. {Derby painting, Louisville restaraunt, you understand, right?} It's painted on a type of press board, not canvas, and had been hanging on the wall by screws - no frame. So it has a few holes in the top and bottom. And honestly, if we did buy it, we'd probably hang it right back up by those holes until we could afford to frame it - I'm guessing that it's at least 6 feet in width!

You can't tell from the photo, but the colors *POP* and would great with the new wall color. Plus, who doesn't want a little piece of history hanging on their wall?!

We'll be back in Lexington this weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to get Nick to stop in with me, the painting will still be there, Nick will love it as much as I do and we'll convince the owner to knock off a few hundred and viola, our empty wall will be empty no more.

{Perhaps I can justify the purchase as a graduation gift for yours truly from the best hubby in the world. Ya know, cause the new house, TVs, rugs, and furniture were... for my birthday? Or better yet... they were for Nick's birthday! So I'm due, right?}

But if not... I'll just go back to browsing 1000's of art prints on the net till I find the perfect set.

Que sera, sera.

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I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)