Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Guess who

came to visit this weekend? Chad and Lauren! They got into town on Thursday night to surprise Nick's mom as an early birthday present. We all got to hang out on Friday night and celebrate Karen's B-day a week early. We miss them sooooooooooOoOOOOoooO much and can't wait till they both graduate and move back closer. *Hopefully*

A little brotherly love.

This family does not miss a photo opportunity!
Seems my husband may have a little "Captain" in him... silly boy.

The Roberts!
{Well, mostly. Five Roberts, One soon-to-be-Roberts.}

Sadly, they headed back out on Saturday morning, stopping over in Cincinatti to do some furthur wedding planning. C&L are getting married September 5th in Cinci and I LOVE to finally chat about someone else's wedding other than ours - that was so last year.

A little preview of the bridesmaid dress I'll get to wear ~ thank goodness Lauren has great taste. The maid of honor has the plum colored ribbon/sash, with the rest of us wearing a black ribbon. I love them - and I hope the maid of honor doesn't mind me posting her photo.... oops.

Tomorrow, I'm going to post a few of C&L's engagement pictures. They are gorgeous and I can't wait to get some of them in frames and on the walls of our new house. Have a great Wednesday - we're half-way through the week!

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I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)