Monday, February 02, 2009

Defacing Church Property is Fun!

Nick and I had a blast this past weekend - we road tripped to Lexington with some good conversations in the car, stayed with very sweet friends that don't mind to leave us the key to their house(!), ate great food at restaurants that I crave when I'm in Pikeville, met up with my girlfriends that I miss dearly, and WENT HOUSE HUNTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The next picture is of one of the houses we are considering putting an offer in on...
Yeah right, maybe in our next life. BUT we did find some homes that we are seriously considering. The thought of living in any of the homes we found tickles me pink! I can't wait to own a home, decorate, build our lives together, and have some serious storage space.

While eating at one of my fave restaurants, P.F. Chang's, we ran into a friend and fellow blogger, Britney, who was there eating with her family as well. Brit was sweet enough to help me answer a question I've been wondering for a while now... how do you pronounce your new last name??? She was just married in June and inherited a new, beautiful, Armenian last name, Moughamian. (I just had to look her up on facebook to make sure I even spelled it right!) Well, anyway, as you can imagine, I was pronouncing it all wrong in my head and was so glad she and her lovely husband didn't mind giving me a little lesson. Stop by and visit their blog, they're expecting their first child in May!

Sunday night after church, the whole congregation was invited into the new sanctuary, still under construction, to write our favorite bible verses on the concrete floor before the carpet is laid this week. Who needs the Superbowl when you can legally deface public property?? I can now say that I was involved in church graffiti. I'm so proud.

Main Street Church of Christ, Pikeville, KY

Kim (the preacher's wife) helping her youngest son write his verses.
Someone had the sweet idea of writing this verse on the podium where couples will stand during their wedding. ("Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh." Gen 2:24)

At least Nick was looking good.
Autumn - I'm trying to figure out how to steal this little one when no one is looking!
Our favorite preacher, Keith, doing his part.

It was so fun to see everyone lounging around on the ground, bibles open, working hard.
I caught Nick!
One of Nick's verses:
My verses:

And my favorite artistic endeavor in church graffiti:

The mommy's hand on the left, daddy's on the right, and their son's hand prints in the middle with the quote "The family that prays together, stays together."

We can't believe how much we will miss this church and the people in it when we move. Nick even said this weekend that we wish we could take Keith, the preacher, to whatever church we move onto. I agree!

1 comment:

I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)