Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sister Sister

Happy birthday, sister!
Last night, the families gathered round at my parents' home to celebrate my sister's and her father-in-law's, Howard, birthdays. Their birthdays are actually today, so we got in a little extra early partying. I made the cake for the night - a very messy, kinda ugly, but extremely CHOCOLATELY chocolate cake. I'll let you guess which numbers go with which birthday boy or girl...

Below, one of Melissa's favorite gifts of the night, her letterman-esque jacket from when she was just a wee little one. My dad framed it in the shadow-box, but I think we determined we'll be turning it around, since the back of the jacket is more appealing with the "CLARK" lettering - which is where she went to elementary school, where my mom use to teach for quite a few years, and I attended for one year in first grade, the ONLY year my sister and I were in the same school together.

My bro-in-law, David, thought it would be funny for Hendrix to walk his teddy bear. They're always abusing my baby.

Happy birthday, big sister! You've mothered me my entire life, and while some of the time it was thoroughly aggravating, I've enjoyed having you there for the advice I needed. You have been a HUGE help, especially in the past year, instrumental in putting together the shower and wedding, lessening lots of the stress that comes with such a year. I have loved being your little sister and am so happy for you and the tremendous life you have put together in 29 short years. We are so proud of you and love you so very much!

1 comment:

  1. I'm just the best big sister ever!!! Happy B-Day to me!!!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)