Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Summer... lately

We have had one of the busiest, most eventful, FUN summers I can remember in a loooooong, long time.
As much as I miss blogging, I'm not even sorry I haven't been around :) I wouldn't trade that time I've had away with my boys and the rest of my family and friends for the world!
I will be looking back fondly at this summer for years to come.
{Though technically these days, if you follow me on instagram - which is crazy addicting for this girl- you're pretty well caught up with this family! It's like a mini-blog almost, no?!}
2013, The summer we...
...took a "second honeymoon" to Excellence Playa Mujeres in Mexico and celebrated 5 years of marriage!
... the summer this boy really BLOOMED into a little boy, complete with becoming absolutely WILD, hilarious, non-stop energy and IN LOVE with anything that "goes": planes, trains and automobiles all day and night!

... the summer we took on home improvement projects together, the biggest being tiling the backsplash - a full two walls under cabinetry in our kitchen - and we SURVIVED each other ;)

... the summer we talked about, dreamed about, and AWAITED the arrival of a certain little girl for my sweet sister and brother-in-law.

... the summer we took every moment we possibly could to spend with dear friends that we don't get to see nearly often enough and whose lives are changing just as crazy fast as ours have!

... the summer we celebrated the SECOND birthday of the cutest little boy I know.

... the summer we celebrated the big numero dose again together with his Mimmie's big 60th birthday!
... the summer we played, played, and played some MORE!
...the summer Isabel LeAnn finally made her big debut on Labor Day and stole all of our hearts, the way only little girls can do!


...the summer she made those two above become parents for the first time, made some grandparents for the first time, gave Houston his first cousin, and made Nick and I an uncle and aunt for the first time♥

...the summer we celebrated #2 for a THIRD time in a big, big way!

...the summer Houston was a ring bearer and broke hearts with that adorable face and bow tie combo walking next to the prettiest fairy princess you ever did see. 

...the summer I relished every moment and thanked God for these two greatest blessings to spend my days with, the best days of my life.
While each of these little clips deserve their own posts, {in the making!}, I now go happily, MERRILY into fall. Summer left me smiling and spent and I gladly welcome the cooler weather, my favorite season and a much lighter schedule than what we've been experiencing this summer.
Hoping your summer has been just as peachy!


  1. Look at that face...presh! It looks like you had a blast...although I missed your posts regularly, family and time together is always more important! I totally understand. I have a 4 year old who will be 5 in 3 months and I'm over here like "I just had her yesterday!"

    Hosting a giveaway if you're interested :)

  2. Looks like an amazing summer! And uou had such a beautiful family!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)