Friday, July 05, 2013

Happy 4th and Prayers for Our Boy

So that virus with all the high fevers we've been dealing with since last Friday?

New diagnosis: pneumonia.

This poor baby went through a barrage of testing including deep nasal and throat swabs, a urinary catheter to test for a UTI, a chest x-ray and blood work on his teeny tiny baby arm, all while already feeling terrible. My heart broke into a million pieces as Nick and I had to hold him down for the tests.

Simply horrific. While I know he will never remember, I will never forget :(

The good news is we now know what to treat and as long as we keep the fevers at bay alternating ibuprofen and tylenol through out the day, you would NEVER know this boy is sick. He plays happily all day long and he plays HARD! :)

I caught a few pictures of my sweet, sleeping angel on the 4th of July that I just had to share as well...

Dream smiles!

Dream on, sweet soul, dream BIG♥!

We had the RAINIEST 4th of July I can ever remember, but I was weirdly relieved to take the pressure off of us to "do" anything for that day but to relax and be together. We got to hang out with some great friends that evening and no one could believe our playful, wild man had just been diagnosed with pneumonia!

{Though he looks to be on the upswing, we would appreciate and love continued prayers for him and that the chosen antibiotic will be the right course of treatment for him!}

Happy Birthday, America!




  1. Oh my word...I hope he feels better soon! Poor thing...I remember when Preston had croup. It was just awful to see my little man so sick.

    Hang in there!

  2. Poor guy, what a little trooper. So glad they found out what was going on. We'll be thinking about you all! Hang tough mama!

  3. So scary for you. Fingers crossed for a very rapid recovery.

  4. Poor little guy! Hope he feels better soon!!!

  5. I love your new header! I was secretly kinda glad for the rainy day yesterday, too. I thought exactly the same thing about it taking the pressure off of us to really celebrate big. We had a lazy/TV day, and it was exactly what we ALL needed. Hope your little man gets to feeling better soon!

  6. Love your family pic!! Hoping he is back to 100% soon!!

  7. I hope your little guy gets better soon!! Our little boy have pneumonia last month and had to spend 4 days in the hospital.

  8. Oh I'm so sorry your little guy was so sick!! Sending much happiness & health your way! I LOVE your blog and am so happy to see you're back at it again! You were one of my original inspirations when I began in 2011. Your family is so adorable!!


I just shared my thoughts, I'd love to hear you share yours! {Besides, I'm tired of listening to the voices in my head.} I kid, I kid... ;)