Happy Labor Day!
We're home recovering from our gorgeous weekend celebrating the love of two very wonderful people♥
The decor, the dresses, the food... every detail of the weekend was top notch. We were wowed, entertained, and swept off our feet with the romance and elegance of the big day. I can't wait to see the photos from their fabulous photographer! Over the next few days, I'll be featuring a few snapshots of the moments some of my friends and I caught on camera.

In between pics from the rehearsal dinner, I've decided to answer a few more questions. In honor of the new Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, today's Q&A theme will be those questions geared towards the ins and outs of THIS Mr. and Mrs. Roberts' relationship.
You ready for this?!
How did you and your hubby meet?
Sweet story with a happy ending: Nick and I met our freshman year at Georgetown College. During the summer, I signed up for classes at orientation where my mom convinced me I needed to take Freshman Seminar. What a waste of one hour of time a week, or so I thought.
I ended up meeting a very cute, shy guy who took MONTHS to break out of his shell and speak to me, the chatterbox of the class. We ended up walking dogs together for our class required community service and then watching a couple movies in the dorm. I wouldn't say we ever "dated" that year, we shared only one kiss and whatever the relationship was or would be called was quietly over within a month of us beginning to spend time together. We never spoke on the phone or became serious whatsoever and the flame just flickered out without any type of break-up or conversation about "us".
We remained acquaintances and always waved or stopped to speak if we saw each other in the cafeteria and still had a couple other classes together over the next couple of years where there was nothing more than a smile or a few innocent words spoken in passing.
I still thought he was extremely cute, but no more thought than that was put into it. We both dated others and moved on from our small spark together quite easily.
Then Junior year came and I transferred to the University of Kentucky while Nick remained at Georgetown. I was dating someone else who also attended UK, Nick and I never spoke or saw each other, and if you were an all seeing eye looking at the big picture, you would never imagined we would have another chance to end up together.
In February, my boyfriend and I broke up and I was SO SET ON BEING SINGLE. I was going to focus on everything else BUT a man for a while. This was finally the time for me and it was a breath of fresh air. Little did I know the love bug was lurking in my midst!
Now, if you've been around for a while or were on the internet when it really started becoming a place to chat, you might remember one of the first instant messaging thingamabobs called
ICQ. Nick and I had "spoken" on there from time to time since freshman year, a nice way to flirt without ever having to actually call another human being. One Sunday, my friend Melissa and I were leaving church when we saw a guy directing traffic who we both agreed looked just like Nick. I later messaged him to say hi and to tell him about the guy we saw who reminded me of him and that I was just checking in to see if all was well with him.
I swear to you, there was no more thought to that message than I just expressed. Nick will tell you that I was trying to pursue him over ICQ. This is completely inaccurate and you should believe exactly as I tell you. ;)
I had no interest in anyone at this point, let alone, this particular shy guy who it already hadn't worked out with once before and whom I was not interested in trying to make it work with a second time.

To try and wrap up yet another answer session where only ONE question gets answered, Nick asked me out ON THE INTERNET after we messaged back and forth a few times. The date was set for a couple weeks later after spring break was over. In spite of my man swearing off, I thought about him the entire spring break and the anticipation was killing me!
The rest is history. Our first date was on March 21st, 2005 and we've been together ever since. No break-ups, no time apart. Just us. We've had our share of ups and downs, but we're in it for the long haul.
If I could shake the hand of the guy directing church traffic that morning I would. I would also like to show him to Nick to prove he exists and that I didn't just make him up so I could find a reason to message him. My friend Melissa still backs me up to this day that it did, in fact, happen.
I should also say thanks to my mom who made me take, what I thought, was a useless class. In reality, I didn't get much out of it besides an easy A and a husband.
Pretty successful class.
Till tomorrow's Q&A,