Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Vegas Babymoon! Part I


We had such a blast on our “babymoon” in the fabulous Las Vegas, that I can’t believe I’m just now getting around to recapping it more than 2 months later!

Believe it or not, I took one too many pictures and it’s taken a while for me to work up the gumption to sort through them and get them on here for your viewing pleasure ;) Still, after majorly cutting back, I’ll be posting in 2 parts… I wouldn’t want to overload your hard drive!


I’ve been to Vegas only once a few years ago with a great group of girls and I have fond memories of standing in front of the Bellagio fountains mesmerized by the intricately choreographed water and music shows. I knew that the next time I came, THIS is where I wanted to stay so that I could watch the show over and over from my own window.

We were lucky enough to do just that – this is one of a thousand pictures I took of the Bellagio fountains from our room!



Houston and I at 22 weeks on the trip:

{…and we’re about to be 32 weeks in a couple of days…. yes, I am waaaaaay behind posting this!}



Daddy at 22 weeks! =)



I took so many pictures of the Bellagio gardens and the blown glass flowers in the lobby that I’m going to dedicate the rest of this post to them. Just MORE reasons to stay at Bellagio – it truly is my favorite hotel on the strip!

More substance and the rest of the trip {we did actually step outside of the Bellagio the week we were there…} in Part II on Friday.



Just a side note that all the flowers you’re about to see are REAL.

They are AMAZING! Pictures do not do this place justice.
























Monday, June 27, 2011

31 weeks of belly love and a night at the zoo!

We turned 31 weeks this past Friday - where has the time gone?!

Houston is {obviously} growing like a weed in there. My belly seems to be growing overnight lately. It may have something to do that he may *hopefully* have finally flipped. I woke up one morning last week feeling very different - my stomach felt stretched, harder and then - hiccups! But not just any old hiccups... hiccups down low, y'all.

Maybe I'm just hoping to avoid a C-section the best I can, but I would put money on the fact that he has indeed FLIPPED!


Just for funsies... same dress in the first belly pic I ever posted on the blog, 14 weeks:



Moving on to more exciting things than weekly belly pictures ;) ...this past Saturday night, Nick and I had the pleasure of attending his company's yearly banquet held this year at the Cincinnati Zoo. What a fabulous idea?!


We got to watch the Cheetah show before dinner and watch the "fastest Cheetah in the world" sprint after a stuffed animal. She was UNBELIEVABLY fast. Loved this!




Not only did we get to walk around and see the animals of the zoo, they even joined us on the dance floor!


The official mascot who actually attend the games of the Cincinnati Bearcats:

The exotic Ginny was even there =)

This cake was just as delicious as it was beautiful. Between 3 of us girls and our significant others, we snagged every flavor offered and had a bite of each ~ perfect end to the perfect night with Perfection Group!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My PSA: laughter is the best medicine



…and if you can’t trust your local, friendly pharmacist for pertinent medical advice like that, who can you trust?


Seriously though, I know laughter can do a world of good. I may not go as far as practicing laughter yoga, {I’m almost that crazy, but only almost}, but I do purposely seek my laughs on youtube on days when I could really use a shot of the good medicine.


I thought it was time that I share some of my old faithfuls – a few videos that Nick and I have laughed out loud at a bajillion times by now.

These videos have become like family to me over the years and I hope you get a kick out of them too.



{Not something I get to say too often, people…}







Tuesday, June 21, 2011

30 weeks of belly love, unborn child bribes, and video entertainment

We’ve come a long way baby!

30 weeks – how did you get here so fast?

{Actually, since I’m so slow to post – 30 weeks and 4 days today!}


Not the best bump pic from our friends’ wedding this past Saturday – but I do love my sweet friend, Ginny!



More importantly, how did 30 weeks get here with me still having a to do list a million miles long in preparation for baby, lots of baby books still unread and a nursery that looks like this (!)


Important plea note to Houston: Mommy and Daddy are very much relying and counting on the full 40 weeks of gestation to prep for your arrival. We have only a single piece of furniture in your nursery – a crib. The gorgeous crib bedding I ordered for you isn’t even in it because we don’t have a mattress yet! Your dresser, night stand and book case are all in the garage waiting to be painted, your swivel glider and ottoman were ordered in May and we’re crossing our fingers it’s 8-12 weeks delivery is closer to the 8 than the 12, AND your changing table has yet to be picked out, let alone purchased and assembled yet. Do you get what I’m trying to say here, little guy? 


If Houston knew what was good for him, he’d realize it might be a bit cramped in that oven right now, but with the sweet tooth on the mother God gave him, his taste buds have got to be dancing! Once he’s out, he’ll be wishing he was back to cinnamon toast crunch and Double Doozie cookies when it’s nothin’-but-milk for 6 months ;) Stay in there sweet boy, I’ll finish getting ready for you AND fatten you up to adorable proportions =)


The little evidence left beside my computer of today’s Double Doozie that Big Daddy brought us home:



The 30 week low down:

As of today, I’m up a whopping 28 pounds!! At this rate, I will not stay within the 25-35 pound limits all the books would like to keep my weight gain within. I eat absolutely ANYTHING I want, though it helps that I’m staying pretty darn active – running around like a chicken with it’s head cut-off at work, taking the dog on long walks at home, and working on that big to-do list all keep me from gaining astronomical amounts for the time being.

PRAISE GOD, I’m still sleeping like a rock. Aside from some swelling in my hands and feet and absolutely despising bending down for the one million things I drop each day, I’m feeling great.

I do, however, feel my energy level dropping lower and lower. I fear how completely exhausted {and enormous!} I will be in 6 weeks from now when I’m sure I’ll still have plenty to do and still working a 40 hour energy depleting job. Though I have lots of hope since this pregnancy has already been wonderfully easy, smooth and enjoyable far beyond any expectations I had. We shall see what the little time we have left holds in store for us!


Dying for something non-baby related on this blog? Enjoy this incredibly entertaining video. Unbelievably talented people blow my mind! I’m so glad this earth is so full of so many kinds of them =)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Showered with {Baby} Love!


We are 30 WEEKS today!!! That sounds unbelievable and just confirms this pregnancy truly is flying by. We’ll be getting dressed up for our friends’ wedding tomorrow, I’ll be sure to get a bump pic there!

{Believe me, you do not want one now with the mess I am straight out of bed – nor will you want one tonight after my 12 hour day. A 30 weeks and 1 day picture will just have to do, friends…=)}



This past Saturday, our little family of {almost} 3 was showered with copious amounts of love. My mom and mother-in-law with the help of my sister {and the brunt work of my dad!}, threw the most gorgeous shower in honor of our Houston. We were completely overwhelmed with the time, effort, and funding they put into a day just for us and will always be extremely grateful to all 3 of them for making sure we had such a special day.

Just as I was with our wedding shower, I was completely OVERWHELMED again with all the guests who came and spent the day with us, bringing with them lots of goodies to spoil our little one with. There was so much love and hospitality in one room, just for our family, that it makes me want to cry happy tears just thinking about it now!


I came away with a ton of pictures, mostly just from before the shower started and still didn’t get one of everything I wish I had.

Enjoy a few of my favorites!


First of all, I LOVED his cake. It was just as fun to eat it’s deliciousness as it was to look at it.




“Houston – Twinkle Twinkle Little Star… Do you know how loved you are?”

Custom sign ordered by my mom-in-law!








Can you figure out who made this best diaper cake I’ve ever seen? Houston only has one aunt… and she’s the best!






I love Jim Shore and my mom found this one perfect for the theme of the shower, Nursery Rhymes, and perfect to sit in his nursery later♥


Nick and I have discussed taking Autumn home and never bringing her back a few times ;) She is a laugh riot and always, cute as a button.



Remember Katie from her baby shower in February. Baby Edmond is here and all kinds of ADORABLE!




Perfect personalized blocks from Samantha! Drop her a line on her blog if you wanna know where you can get some of your own in any color. They’re a must have for any kids room =)



The best parents in the world:



The best sister in the world:



The best in-laws in the world:



A fellow preggo! Jodie is one week behind me and having a little girl-friend for Houston - Avery Grace.



The food was yummalicious!



The little girls waiting so patiently for my aunts to cut the cake were cracking me up – I had to take a picture.



From my cousin, Sarah – the outfit on the left will get lots of use in this house divided, but I’m not sure where the outfit on the right has disappeared to already???




If we were trying to keep our son grounded, it’s already too late. He now owns a silver baby spoon from Tiffany’s – hilarious.



My mom-in-law’s dream: to have a picture next summer with all her boys in their personalized Reds uniforms. So CUTE!



Nick with a baby?! Get use to it.



The aftermath from unloading 2 SUV’s after a 2 hour car ride home – a blessed mess =)



{The BIG items were all still in the garage!!!}





Seriously, how did we get so lucky?!




Linking up: