Monday, September 27, 2010

Ginny’s 25th Mustache Bash!


I’m a little late as usual, but I just couldn’t leave y’all without this image of me and my new facial hair:



Don’t ya love it?!

It’s all the rage right now.

Just check out this hot chica with her own rockin’ stache…



I’m sure you all recognize Brit and Dave. They are some of the most fashion forward people I know – that’s how I just KNEW I had to do something about getting my own mustache too.



Don’t believe any of that nonsense? You shouldn’t. We were all wearing mustaches for our friend Ginny’s surprise 25th birthday party.

Because that’s what you do at a birthday party, right?!



No, the mustaches aren’t part of some inside joke – just a harebrained idea Brit came up with for a hilarious “theme” to the party =)

If you’ve never had a bunch of  people at one party slap on a ton of sticky mustaches, you would never know that this simple act leads to uncontrollable giggling all night long. OR that it’s difficult to keep your self adhesive mustache on when your face is constantly contorted in laughter.

Some of the mustache decor:



The pink banner had different nicknames on it for a mustache – lip spinach, face fungus, soup strainer, misplaced eyebrow…



50 bonus points if you can name all of the mustaches on the poster!!



10 bonus points if you can tell which food’s name card I misspelled BIG time and ended up catching crap for it all night long ;)



I love how the banner was perfected by it’s own self-adhesive mustache.




Somehow, Christina and I were deemed “more disgusting” by the boys because of the realistic color of our ‘staches compared to our hair. What do they know about women’s mustaches?!…



Nick found it difficult to even kiss me without bringing back up his “shimp” cocktail – ha!



See? Uncontrollable laughter just from looking at each other.



I just had to throw this one in there: How cute is this pumpkin shaped cheese ball Lucy made??



Andrew, Ginny’s boyfriend and co-conspirator on the surprise party.

Though I feel more like his name should be Mario or Luigi for some reason…



All was quiet when we saw Ginny pull up and we waited for her to come in – it was actually pitch dark except for the flash of my camera here.






Ginny really didn’t know what to think and she was truly surprised. No faking it here. She had just got home from work and was on the phone with her aunt telling her how tired she was and was ready to just pass out in bed!

Oops! Sorry, Gin-Gin, no can do – there’s a party waiting for you!

Thank goodness she’s the sweetest, good natured girl I know and put her best face forward for the party!!





Gin got to change out of her scrubs – has there ever been a prettier birthday girl??

Ginny and her sister, Lucy:







We surprised Ginny with this party on Friday, September 17th and her actual birthday wasn’t until the next Thursday, September 23rd. And I’m just NOW getting around to blogging about it!

Happy belated birthday, Gin-Gin!!


{Think this was late? Wait till I finally get around to writing about my girl’s trip to Charleston, SC back around Labor Day weekend. Sheesh, I’m a slacker! Don’t hold your breath for that one…}


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Sunday, September 19, 2010

a tale of three skydivers


It’s official: we did it.

This past Wednesday, September 15th, we jumped out of a plane at 10,000 feet and thankfully, had the time of our lives and lived to see another day =)

We = my mom, Nick, and me.

You may remember our last attempt.

This time the skies were clear and the winds, nice and breezy.

Ready for a bazillion photos and far too much narration?



This is the only picture you’ll see of my my dad in this store. My straight-laced father came along only to watch and support us by videoing our stupidity. He is not a man that can be talked into daredevil stunts and sat perfectly content with his two feet on the ground.

{It’s perfectly normal to mimic your spouse after 36 years of marriage… right?}



All suited up!



Da planes! Da planes!

{Can you spy with your little eye a tiny red sports car?}



When you’re jumping out of a plane and hoping to avoid becoming a small splat on the earth’s surface, your gear consists of straps upon straps of safety gear that are all kinds of uncomfortable.

None of it is kind to your little girl parts or little boy parts, whichever you happen to be sporting that day. Though with all of it’s annoyances, it does the job of which I am T-H-A-N-K-F-U-L for!

The next 2 awkward photos don’t even do the feeling of wearing this get-up justice, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy a little laugh at our expense:

Nick’s predicament courtesy of my paparazzi skills…


And thanks to my mom, a nice shot of me “adjusting” for the 10,385th time on the way to the plane.

Just lovely.



There were only two tandem instructors there that day, so mom had to wait for us to get back for her turn. Up we went…



…and down we came!!



I jumped first:





Then Nick.




We met at the bottom with a sweet, oh-so-glad-to-be-alive, kiss.




And then it was mom’s turn – and didn’t she look like the professionals with her wind suit?!



Mom and her tandem instructor went up with four other skydivers, seen here practicing their air acrobatics before going up:




It’s funny to see so many people falling from the sky!






Mom was all smiles when she landed and even gave us a big thumbs up:





A little background for you: we jumped at 10,000 feet and pulled the rip-cord to send our parachutes flying at 5,500 feet. This resulted in a nice cold freefall for about 30 seconds, with the entire jump from plane to ground totaling around 5 minutes. It’s about 30 degrees colder at 10,000 feet and it’s amazing to feel the gradual temperature change as you’re falling to earth!

There was absolutely none of the queasy stomach feeling you have compared with riding a roller coaster – just a nice smooth freefall and then a gentle slow float to the ground after the parachute is out. It really was a great experience I would recommend to anyone. I have to say that none of us were nervous in the least and were just so READY to jump from all the excitement!

Thanks for all the prayers and crossed fingers – we finally, successfully, skydived and had a BLAST!


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