Tuesday, August 24, 2010

truly random, truly me


Things have been all together busy around here while maintaining a 100% non-interesting and therefore, non blog-worthy, air about our days.

Unless, that is, you include work issues that involve the most ridiculous drama worthy of it’s own soap opera.

But since this isn’t the most appropriate place to vent my frustration caused by working with an unstable personality on the verge of insanity crossed with absolutely no self-awareness to their madness or the stupidity that comes from their mouth and the fact that everyone in the company wishes and hopes for this one person to flee as fast as they can in the furthest direction to a new job and leave our happy little world well alone…  since this isn’t the place, I won’t vent a single word about my past month of confrontations and boiling high blood pressure or say one single inappropriate word about said person =) {But oh wow, how that little bit of not venting felt good!}

And life goes on…


My baby cousin and I goofing around a week before she started her freshman year of college(!!!!) Is it seriously possible that she could be this old? Or that I could be this old???



In other randomness: on one of my days off recently, hubby and I decided we should jump out of a plane, just for the pure heck of it.

Mom, Dad, Sister, and Baby Cousin all came to watch this ludicrous display of ignorance.


We finished our training.



Got suited up, did our fist pound that explodes into a thumbs up, and said our goodbyes to everyone.



Then out into the clear blue yonder we went.


Or not.

More like we drove an hour and a half to get to this place, waited a couple of hours in sweltering heat and humidity inside an airplane hanger, got to see others jump out of a plane…


…and when it was our turn, it decided to sprinkle, followed with some wind and finished off with a little lightening, just for good measure :(


We ended up with a rain-check and a new date to tempt the hand of fate once more on September 15th.

The next time though, it won’t only be a second tempt of fate for Nick and I, but also for my mother. The same woman who wanted to sky-dive into her 50th birthday party that we held at the airport and who also wasn’t able to that day because of torrential rain and lightening. That was 7 years ago this coming Saturday and the poor lady still hasn’t been granted her death birthday wish yet!

I’m so glad we’ll all be able to together now because of our bad string of luck =)

{No one thinks God is sending our entire family a sign with rain and lightening that we shouldn’t be jumping out of planes do they??? I didn’t think so… that would just be silly. Right?}



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Thursday, August 05, 2010

I’m totally jealous of my dad


My dad finished his last day of work last Friday, which we celebrated with a cook-out at my parents’ house on Saturday. Considering I haven’t even had time to write about such a special occasion till almost 1 week later because of work – I am CRAZY jealous of him =)




Not a great picture of the cake with the little plastic covering still on – but it’s what you get from this non-professional photog.

{and you didn’t hear it from me, but word on the street this is this was the second cake made for this party – the first was just the tiniest bit cuter, until it was dropped… I won’t mention any names here *cough*brother-in-law*cough*cough*}




Papaw – my dad’s dad. Love him!




Cousins doing what little cousins do at a very exciting retirement cook-out.




David, brother-in-law. Happy to have procured a second cake in time for the party.





Me – official flying bug swatter. I hear food is pretty important at a cook-out, I tried my best to protect the goods…




The power polls – I didn’t know what else to make for decor???

If you have some sort of affinity for power polls, I’d be happy let you have these tiny replicas I spent so much time on and now… what to do with them???




My dad saying a few words to friends, family, and co-workers.


 IMG_5060 IMG_5075


Our friend, Marshall, gave him some great toy tools to get him started on that inevitable honey-do list that’s in the making.







Congratulations, Dad! I can’t imagine anyone more deserving of a break. Except for Mom who is equally deserving. {Speaking of which, has it really been 2 years since her retirement party? WoW!}

On a side note – Saturday was also the 2 year anniversary of this little blog of ours. I have been more than blessed through this outlet and the sweet people who have read my ramblings for the past 2 years. Thanks for being a part of our lives!

Don’t forget to check out this Friday’s Five Featured Followers on the sidebar!! They are, as always, some fabulous females – thanks for following, friends.


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